Dysfunction in your sacroiliac joint can cause a lot of pain in your lower back or leg. Hence, here are a couple of simple treatments to relieve your Sacroiliac Joint Pain.
Dysfunction in your sacroiliac joint can cause a lot of pain in your lower back or leg. Hence, here are a couple of simple treatments to relieve your Sacroiliac Joint Pain.
- Activity modification: This is a simple yet effective remedy to relieve your pain. You have to make some lifestyle changes in this method. You will need to change the way you sit, walk, and even sleeping potion. These postural changes will have an effect on your body and the pressure exerted on the spine and sacroiliac joint.
For example; you can switch over to a standing desk (from seated) which reduces the pressure on your back. Other similar changes include changing the position you sleep or avoiding long periods of sitting in one position. In addition, placing a pillow between your legs while asleep helps as well.
- Sacroiliac joint belts: Any abnormal or excessive movement in your sacroiliac joint can increase your hypermobility which in turn causes sacroiliac joint pain. If you live in New York, you should look up Sacroiliac Joint Pain NYC. Contact the expert physician to determine if there is any hypermobility; and on that basis, they will recommend if you need to wear a sacroiliac joint belt. These belts limit the movement in your sacroiliac joint by fitting snugly around your pelvis.
- Sacroiliac Joint Exercises: There are specific Sacroiliac Joint exercises to help immobilize the joint. Loom up Sacroiliac Joint Pain NYC to view some of these exercises, and contact your pain physician.
BY: admin
Joint Pain
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